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Two men paddling inflatable stand up paddle boards

How to Use an Inflatable Paddleboard the Right Way

How to Use an Inflatable Paddleboard the Right Way

Have you recently decided to invest in an inflatable paddleboard?

Paddleboarding is great for both your mental and physical health. Paddleboarding is a great cardio workout, it helps you build a strong core, and it's a low-impact exercise that burns a lot of calories. Plus, spending time in the sun helps boost your recommended levels of Vitamin D and lower your stress levels. 

But it's important to remember that an inflatable paddleboard works slightly differently than a regular stand-up paddleboard. What do you need to know before you hop on your board?

Read on to learn how to use an inflatable stand-up paddleboard the right way. 

Choose the Right Inflatable Paddleboard 

First things first, you need to make sure you choose the right paddleboard. If you don't select the right paddleboard, you'll have trouble standing up and staying on the board. 

Here are some insights to keep in mind when choosing an inflatable paddleboard:

Know if It's the Right Investment 

First, you need to determine if an inflatable board is the right investment over a regular paddleboard. Inflatable paddleboards are best for those who have limited storage, as they can be easily deflated. 

They're also a great option for those who like to travel with their paddle board a lot, as the compact size allows you to easily get from point A to point B. Also, inflatable paddle boards tend to be a bit softer than regular paddleboards, so they're a better option for those who like to practice yoga on their board

They're also a better investment for those who plan to paddle in whitewater, as the material can better handle bumps against rocks and logs. 

Inflatable Paddleboard Volume and Weight Capacity 

You also need to take into account volume and weight capacity. A paddleboard's volume is measured in liters, and it gives an indication of how well the board can float with weight on it. 

The higher the volume of the board, the more weight it can support. Each paddleboard also comes with a weight capacity, which is typically listed in pounds. Knowing weight capacity will help you figure out if you're too heavy for the board. 

Inflatable Paddleboard Length and Width 

The length and width of the inflatable paddleboard also need to be taken into consideration. Shortboards are usually 10 feet or under, and they're great for kids. Medium boards, which are 10 to 12 feet, are best for yogis and all-around use. 

Longboards, which are 12.5 feet or longer, are great for those who want to do some fast paddling and engage in a long-distance session. 

When it comes to width, you'll want to choose a wider board if you plan to go on long tours or you're bringing gear with you, such as food or a tent. Wide boards are also best for those wanting to practice yoga. 

When choosing a width, you also need to consider your body type. If you're a smaller person, a narrow board is best. If you're a bigger person, opt for a wider board. 


Perhaps the most important thing you need to keep in mind when choosing an inflatable paddleboard is the material. Look for a board that's made from a strong material, such as PVC. 

Know How to Stand Up 

To use an inflatable stand-up paddleboard properly, you need to know how to stand up on it. Standing up on a paddleboard is often the hardest part of the whole sport, but once you get the hang of it, it's like riding a bike. 

Before you stand up, you first want to make sure the board is facing the right way. Check where the fins are, and make sure they're on the back of the board. Then, place the board in the water so the fin won't hit the bottom. 

Lift your knees onto the board, and then take a few strokes on each side. With one foot at a time, slowly stand up on the board, making sure to stay in the center of the board as you get up. To maintain balance, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. 

And if you fall off, don't freak out! You just need to hop back on and try again. 

Know How to Paddle Correctly 

It's also very important that you know how to paddle your inflatable board correctly. When paddling, one arm will hold the paddle from the top, and the other will hold it from the bottom. 

To extend the paddle forward, pull your arm toward your body. Then, extend your reach and rotate your top shoulder forward. Place the paddle as far forward as you can, then dig it into the water. To help you move forward, think about propelling past your paddle. 

To stay in a straight line, take a few strokes on one side before moving to the next. 

Maintain Your Board 

To make sure you can get as much use out of your inflatable paddleboard as possible, you need to keep it in good shape. Here are some paddleboard maintenance tips:

  • Don't leave your board in the sun, as this can cause damage
  • Don't drag your board across the ground - always pick it up so it doesn't hit the ground
  • Don't leave your board in a place where it'll overheat, such as the car
  • Clean your paddleboard following the manufacturer's instructions
  • To dry it out, leave it in an open, ventilated space

With these tips, your board will last for years to come. 

Are You Ready to Invest in an Inflatable Paddleboard? 

Now that you know the ins and outs of inflatable paddleboarding, it's time to invest in an inflatable paddleboard.

Do your research before buying and make sure you choose a sturdy board you love. 


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